I have noticed a key factor in my career as a massage therapist and athletic trainer. This factor is the frequency and quality of muscular recovery with massage therapy. Knowing how to do this properly is essential to maximize athletic performance and prevent injuries.

In this blog, I will discuss how often you should be getting a massage for optimal physical health. This will take account of factors such as your lifestyle, goals, and specific needs.

We will examine the advantages of using massage therapy as a strategy to help you reduce healing times and prevent injury. This can benefit overall well-being, particularly when restoring your body. Discover how massage frequency plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing your physical and mental health. After reading this you should never have to ask yourself again, “How often should I get a massage.”


How often you should get a massage depends on whether you’re seeking a muscular tune-up or have a specific goal, such as massage therapy for pain management, injury recovery, or as a complement to physical therapy. Identifying your purpose for getting a massage will help you establish the right frequency.

Over the course of a few years, I have developed 3 categories to help you identify your purpose for getting massage sessions with a specific frequency. The three categories are “Recovery” “Repair” and “Maintenance


Recovery Massage – Massage therapy for Recovery is the simplest one to explain. This is a type of massage that revolves around your training schedule. It is best when done after a major event such as a marathon, or sports competition. This type of massage is usually a Sports Massage and should be done after the intense event.

One of the main reasons to do this is to minimize your recovery time and get you back in the game sooner. The massage would be focused on the muscles you just used for competition rather than getting a full-body massage.

Massage Therapy for Athletic Recovery does not need to be done frequently. Instead, it should be scheduled around your training schedule. I advise booking a massage session after engaging in a physically demanding activity. It should be done either the same day or within two days.


Repair Massage – Everyone will get injured at some point in their life & this is when Repair Massage steps in. It helps to help you to make a full recovery.

Ideally, this should be done at the same time you are in Physical Therapy. It can help to address specific issues and goals, resulting in better outcomes.

Medical massage therapy reduces scar tissue, realigns fascia, and removes muscle knots and trigger points.

In order to make progress in the recovery process, an individual should dedicate themselves to a regular schedule of 1 or 2 sessions per week for a period of 6 to 10 weeks. The number of weeks depends on the severity of the injury. If you are in physical therapy then, have a massage therapy session after your physical therapy appointments. This synergistic approach can lead to faster healing and recovery.


In cases of chronic muscle pain, frequent massages may be necessary for a short period to help improve your baseline. Regular massages for three to six weeks can help reduce your pain. Even a recent Harvard study found that therapeutic massage twice a week for 4 weeks helped to reduce chronic neck pain.

Once your baseline is improved you’d then switch to a maintenance massage schedule to help reduce the chronic muscle pain symptoms. This approach is meant to help address muscular imbalances, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. This will provide both immediate and long-term relief from chronic pain.


Maintenance Massage – Maintenance Massage is the stage everyone wants to get to no matter where they are in their health journey. Maintenance massages (a.k.a. Tune-Ups) are essential for maintaining good health and preventing long-term issues.

This is because no matter your activity level over time, muscles can stiffen and develop knots, leading to dysfunction and injury. To avoid these problems, regular maintenance massages are recommended for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition.

There are varying needs for maintenance massage therapy for health due to lifestyle. For the most part, I’m talking about a person between the ages of 26 to 55 years old. If you are younger than 25, you might need massage therapy less often. However, if you are older than 55, you might need a higher frequency of tune-ups.

Adults who do not exercise frequently or engage in moderate exercise should schedule a massage therapy session every six weeks. This window can extend up to two weeks in either direction.

However, a massage every two to four weeks is recommended for those with physically demanding jobs or intense athletic pursuits. This will help to prevent injury and enhance performance.

A full-time professional athlete, should seriously consider getting a massage once a week. This will help them maintain a high performance level.

Always consider your unique situation when determining the best massage schedule fro you.


Understanding the right massage frequency for your needs is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Finding the right massage schedule can help you live a healthier and pain-free life. This could include maintenance massages or combining massage therapy with other treatments. If you need to schedule a NYC Massage, then book on our website.

Always consult a professional massage therapist for the best course of action for your specific needs. Remember regular massages can help to maintain a balanced, stress-free lifestyle and optimizes your muscular health.